NAP Priority Areas

Proposed Actions



Pass the Whistle-blower Protection and Vigilance Commission Bill 2019 to ensure protection of whistle-blowers disclosing information related to financial discrepancies and corruption.


Review and update the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules to incorporate human rights due diligence as a key criterion in the bidding and evaluation process, and give preference to businesses that demonstrate actions taken to meet their human rights obligations.


Conduct a mapping exercise, including a consultative process, to assess the national legislative, policy, and regulatory framework relevant to human rights in the digital economy, including freelance work and the gig economy, and gather recommendations on steps needed to ensure the application of the Protect, Respect, and Remedy framework to the digital economy.


Develop a model Code of Conduct, making explicit the relationship between business and human rights, for businesses that are State owned, controlled or which work with the State.

Relevant NAP Priority Categories: